Jim Wilson K5ND will be here in person to talk about the “magic band”. You, too, can capture the MAGIC of six meters. It takes some time and skill, but you’ll achieve incredible results from an average station. The presentation covers propagation modes, equipment, antennas, software, operating awards, and contests. This will be superb preparation for your own efforts on six meters.
We also wrap-up Field Day 2022 and preview a future POTA outing.

View the recording of the July 2022 Meeting
Jim has also shared a copy of his presentation and these additional resources:
Guide to 6 Meter DXing https://www.k5nd.net/2020/11/guide-to-6-meter-dxing-getting-started-on-the-magic-band/
6 Meter Antennas https://www.k5nd.net/2020/06/six-meter-antennas-ive-tried-a-few/
Capture the Magic of Six Meters eBook by K5ND https://www.k5nd.net/2020/08/capture-the-magic-of-six-meters-ebook/
FFMA — The Ultimate Grid Chase https://www.k5nd.net/2021/08/fred-fish-memorial-award-ffma/