The Richardson Wireless Klub > RWK News > QRV Tech
QRV Tech
Chip Coker KD4C
January 16, 2024
Our January 2024 QRV Tech program will be Shawn KI5PXG and Adam KE5MMK’s “Antenna Shoot-out”. They recently compared 3 antennas at the same time and location to see if there were any advantages of one over the others. Come see…
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Chip Coker KD4C
December 13, 2023
Our December QRV Tech program will be on Winlink. What is Winlink? Why do I need or want to use it? We will explain all about the Winlink system and get started with Winlink on VHF and on HF and…
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Chip Coker KD4C
November 5, 2023
Our November QRV Tech program will be on the correct way to solder. Larry KI5UXC will show us the tools and techniques that he has used in a lifetime of kitbuilding to solder (and unsolder) various types of components. It’s…
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Chip Coker KD4C
October 13, 2023
Our October QRV Tech program will be on navigating the POTA website and logging POTA contacts. To continue our month focus on Logging and QSLing, Shawn is going to show the specific things that are needed for a POTA operation….
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Chip Coker KD4C
September 15, 2023
Our September QRV Tech program will be on the Versatile NanoVNA. We will introduce you to how to calibrate the nanoVNA as well as using nanoVNA Saver to directly control and operate your nanoVNA from your computer, mostly focusing on…
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Chip Coker KD4C
August 14, 2023
Our August QRV Tech program will be on End-Fed Half Wave Antennas. You will learn how they work and how best to install them. As a bonus, our own 16 year old Joe Hammond KI5UKE has designed and sold his…
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Chip Coker KD4C
July 3, 2023
Software Defined Radios have become popular with Hams for a number of reasons. 1) They’re cheap (as low as $25), 2) They’re very flexible (they can receive almost any modulation type), and 3) They’re fun to play with. What can…
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Chip Coker KD4C
May 7, 2023
It’s RWK tradition to have a short build project as part of Field Day. This year, based on the recent April 2023 General Meeting presentation by our friend John Portune W6NBC, we’re going to build a simple 1:1 Balun with…
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Chip Coker KD4C
May 7, 2023
Shawn KI5PXG will be showing oscilloscope basics for hams, including audio analysis of your microphone, signal analysis (frequency and amplitude measurements), and time-domain analysis of signal quality to diagnose modulation or distortion issues. If you want more, here’s an in-depth…
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