Our guest will be your illustrious flunkee President presenting “DMR and Fusion and HotSpots, Oh My!”, basically everything Digital VHF/UHF. We will review how we got here, with the history of analog VHF and why we have digital VHF/UHF. We will cover the similarities and differences of the various flavors of digital radio (Fusion / DMR / D-Star / Others) and how all the digital systems can be networked together (and the similarities to AllStarlink). We’ll talk about “HotSpots” and how they can be used and why you might or might not want one. We’ll finish with what you need or want to have to use all this stuff. It promises to be a very enlightening (and packed) evening.
Here is a PDF of the slides used during the presentation.
Here are a few links that were discussed during the presentation:
To check your DMR communication with the CBridge, check the CBridge real-time page: http://cbridge.hamradio2.com:42420/CallWatch
Here’s Jason KC5HWB’s segment from last year showing his top ten picks for DMR HTs:
Jason and others maintain a website for DMR usage in Texas: https://dmrtexas.net/
There are repeater listings and other helpful information on the DMR Texas site.
If you are looking for a starter codeplug (config file for a DMR radio) please visit the RWK DMR Codeplug Archive – we have starter codeplugs for several popular DMR radios that include the K5RWK DMR repeater and many of the repeaters in the DFW metroplex . This is a good starting point for you to build your own codeplug.