IARU HF World Championship

Event Details

This event finished on 13 July 2024

1200Z, Jul 9 to 1200Z, Jul 10 (07:00 am CDT on Sat to 07:00 am CDT on Sun)


Contest Objective: To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other amateurs around the world, especially IARU member society headquarters stations, using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

Click here for the complete IARU HF World Championship Rules (PDF)

Looking forward the next year’s World Radiosport Team Championship in Italy.   https://wrtc.info/

This is the best DX contest in Summer time.  Very much fun every year.   SSB only, CW only or mixed (both) on 160 ~ 10 meter band.  Work any station once per band.

This is a typical contest contact:

CQing Station: CQ test from W9JJ
Answering Station: G3BJ
CQer: G3BJ 59 8
Answer: 59 27
CQer: Thanks, CQ test from W9JJ


CQing HQ Station: CQ TEST DE W1AW
Answering Station: N1SFE
HQ station: N1SFE 599 ARRL
Answer: 599 8
HQ station: TU W1AW


IARU member society HQ stations, such as W1AW, send signal report and official IARU member society abbreviation as listed on the IARU website at https://www.iaru.org/reference/member-societies/ IARU International Secretariat club station NU1AW counts as a HQ station, and sends “IARU”. Members of the IARU Administrative Council and the three IARU regional Executive committees send “AC,” “R1,” ”R2,” and “R3” as appropriate.

All others send signal report and ITU zone.